Deviation of Politics from Morality and Ethics

Višnja Bunata Blagović

Is morality at odds with politics, or should they operate in tandem in the process of political decision-making? The Slovak film "Power," directed by Matyas Prikler, positions us right at the heart of this dilemma.

"Power" is a political drama based on real events. The protagonists are a minister burdened by a moral dilemma between making political decisions in line with personal ethical codes or pragmatic governmental political expectations, and a secret service agent tasked with taking all necessary security measures to facilitate the smooth implementation of government political ideas and goals.

With impactful direction, Prikler points out the inadequacy of ethics and morality in the process of political decision-making and the exercise of power. Through a thoughtful screenplay, viewers are guided through the arena of socio-political events where we witness the ruthless struggle for power among representatives of government power structures, in contradiction with the vulnerable and wavering principles of personal responsibility and individual ethics. The film delves deep into the complex psychology of characters through consistent staging of bleak, post-socialist interiors and lifeless exteriors, as well as stylized photography in a muted green-gray color palette. Through long static shots of protagonists in close-ups and frequent use of bird's-eye perspective in their group gatherings, Prikler highlights the alienation of individuals from the community and the psychological turmoil within themselves.

The film concludes with the idea of sacrificing the moral standing of individuals in the name of particular political goals. The minister does not renounce power but steps away from his own sense of moral and political responsibility despite realizing the harm he inflicts on the sustainable development goals of his country, which he himself advocates. The moral compromise of the minister, as a representative of high-ranking government officials, can be seen in the context of the backstage power games of political elites, as well as through the general deviation of the ethical value system from the proclaimed overarching ideals of democracy, justice, and humanity.

Director Matyas Prikler successfully problematizes the political reality by pointing out the imbalance between ethics and politics in the exercise of power. In doing so, he opens a space for the audience to better understand the growing civic skepticism towards the actual implementation of declared democratic principles in the process of political decision-making by competent holders of executive power.